Bleach London Reincarnation Mask | My Hair Saviour

Some of you may, or may not, know that my hair is currently one of the lightest shades of blonde possible - basically bleached to within an inch of being colourless. This is a process that always results in damaged, dry hair in need of some hardcore rescue. Factor into this that my hair in the last two years alone has been blonde, silver, red, blue, pastel pink, and brown, and I think its fair to say that my hair is more than a little.. well.. battered. I've spent many pounds and many hours on various conditioning masks and the like, and have never been overly impressed with the results. I just assumed my poor hair was beyond hope and I'd just have to cope with frizzy, dry tresses, especially after the latest process of getting back to blonde. 

On a completely random, slightly desperate whim, I decided to try the Reincarnation Mask by Bleach London. It was on 3 for 2 in Boots, so naturally I grabbed three. It's just how I roll. I'm the conditioner queen, and I like to be well stocked. 

Let's just get straight to the point. I LOVED this stuff! 

Front of the Bleach London Reincarnation Mask box - super cute!

Firstly, the packaging is lovely. Bleach London products are instantly recognisable thanks to their perfectly adorable 90's style vibe, and I'm inclined to think the box makes this look a little more expensive than it actually is. I know some people feel that a box is an unnecessary waste, especially for a shower product, since it's just thrown away... but I'm definitely a fan.

Back of the box, with claims and ingredients, plus directions for use.

From the first use, I knew this mask was going to be my holy grail. It's a very thick formula, with a faint pleasant scent, and it definitely feels indulgent to apply. As directed, I left it on for 20 minutes, with my head wrapped in a warm towel fresh from the tumble dryer. A quick feel of my hair as I stepped back into the shower gave me hope - it just felt better. The mask rinsed really easy as far as conditioners go, and holy crap! My hair felt like it did before it had been bleached! My coarse, frizzy hair already seemed softer.

Super excited, I couldn't resist the urge to blow dry my hair (I know, I know, bleached hair plus heat is a no no but seriously I was too impatient). To my total amazement, my hair felt like hair again. My horrific dry, damaged locks had gone from having the properties of velcro, and being totally unmanageable, to being soft and silky and behaving like hair is supposed to. I was in love straight away.

I've since used it twice more, and it seems to have smoothed and almost sealed some of my split ends that I'm stupidly putting off having cut off. Overall my hair feels like a different persons. I can't even imagine not using the Reincarnation Mask now!

The actual mask tube. Shiny, so shiny!

The only downside is the tube itself. It's impossible to squeeze from the top in the way you normally would with a tube product, so you just sort of have to squeeze it however you can to get the product out. You can fold down the tube once you've used a bit of it to make sure you don't miss anything by leaving it in the tube; it's fiddly but the best option to prevent waste. It can also prove a bit slippery with wet/mask covered hands, and the product does tend to keep coming out even when you're not squeezing so definitely something to be mindful of.

That said? I can forgive all those things, purely because the tube is pretty and shiny, and the mask actually bloody works. I can't stop recommending it! It's honestly the best hair mask I've tried, and I think it's safe to say I can stop looking now. 

If your hair is bleached or dyed, or dry from heat styling and the like, you really do need to try this miracle product. Go out, buy it, thank me later.

The Bleach London Reincarnation Mask retails for £6, and can be found in most Boots stores, or online HERE

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