21.02.16 | A Change of Pace

I enjoy blogging. Since I was a young child, I've enjoyed writing. I have a dozen unfinished journals and even more abandoned novels under my belt. I just love writing (or typing, rather!).

However I haven't really enjoyed beauty blogging. It just isn't for me. Lately, I've gotten back into making YouTube videos on a regular schedule - every Tuesday and Saturday - and I find I enjoy that far more. Any reviews or the like, I prefer to film rather than write about. This fact left me with a conundrum; I wanted to continue keeping a blog alongside my channel, but how, if I just wasn't 'feeling' it?

This is how I've come to settle on the idea of changing my blog, almost completely. This won't be a beauty blog now - or rather beauty won't be the sole focus. I want to blog about whatever I feel, whether that be my makeup of the day, or an adventure out that I've had with my family. I want it to be more personal. This is something I've considered for a while now, and I'm lovely and settled on the idea.

My blog will be a snapshot of my life, a little extra view of what my life consists of, alongside my YouTube channel.

So, hopefully I'll see you guys on the other side! :)

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