22.02.16 | Tired

The Hubs and myself are currently in the process of redecorating-slash-overhauling our bedroom. We wanted a calmer room for sleeping, and I wanted a nicer space as a backdrop for my videos, since my only place to film is our bedroom. Plus, all the current furniture is mismatched and we're desperate for better storage solutions after almost 4 years of struggling.

Yesterday was spent steaming and stripping the wallpaper off. Today was spent sanding and glossing, and ordering the new furniture and bed. Tomorrow we can start getting the new wallpaper up hopefully, if the gloss has dried on the woodwork. It seems to be taking ages to dry, though, and you don't realise how much you actually touch doors etc. until you suddenly get a splodge of gloss paint on your fingers and have to attempt to find the brush and blend it away in a panic. *huff puff whinge moan*

In the morning, however, we're having a short intermission from the decorating. I'm going to film a video of some sort in the morning, and then possibly vlog myself getting my new tattoo, while Hubs gets some more decorating supplies such as the new flooring, some wallpaper paste, and all that jazz. You'd think we'd have already gotten that sorta stuff but, nope, we're not that organised.

But tonight? Tonight I'm very tired. All I want to do is lie in bed and watch some Doctor Who on Netflix.... hmm yes.

EDIT: the TV remote is somewhere in our clusterfuck of a bedroom and idk where. Maybe no Netflix tonight then. I has a sad.

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