I'm Baaack! And I Bring Food! | Tuna Mayo Extra

I'm so sorry I've been MIA! Both me and Hubs had a bad case of a 24-hour bug, (luckily little man escaped this) and since then I've been struggling with gastritis, and it was like being hit by a train. Ugh. No bueno. But! I'm back now, with a few posts lined up for you by way of an apology! 

We're going on holiday with my parents in April to Greece - excited is not the word! - and I've decided to attempt to lose a little bit of weight so I don't feel like such a whale in my new tankini. I'm never going to be a size 8, but losing a few pounds can't hurt, right? So, I've had to change my eating habits. No more takeaways, no more chips, no more calorific snacks. It's hard but it'll be worth it hopefully! 

Now, I never intended to be a foodie blog, but this I just had to share...

Tuna Mayo Extra Ingredients~

  • 1 tin of tuna.
  • Tomatoes. Any kind, I used 5 baby plums here.
  • 2 spring onions.
  • Half teaspoon mint sauce (optional). I used half a teaspoon.
  • Black pepper.
  • 1-2 tablespoons light mayonnaise (not pictured). 

All I do is chop the tomatoes and spring onions into small pieces, shove everything in a bowl, and mix together! Then, I serve immediately on some Ryvita crackerbreads, although melba toast or any crackers of your choice will work equally as well. It's so simple, even I can do it, ahahaaa! 

This will easily heap onto 5-6 crackerbreads, so it can serve either as a snack for two people, or a healthy but delicious meal for one hungry person (aka me!). 

Even if you aren't looking to eat better, or lose weight, I definitely recommend giving this a try. With summer - apparently - approaching, it makes an ideal snack or meal. It's just so refreshing on the palette. I'm not a fan of tomatoes or spring onions, but it just bulks up the mixture and adds a crisp flavour. I really do love it, and I hope you guys do too! 

Bon appetit! 

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