Giving In To The Hype | Maybelline Baby Lips

Now, I'm well aware that Baby Lips are posted about in every corner of the blogosphere... but I wanted to post about them, so I'm going to. They've been a bit of a cult classic for a while now, but until last year were only available in the US, which sucked for us UK beauty fanatics. We wanted in on the action too, and finally Maybelline granted our wish, and Baby Lips were launched in the UK. Hurrah! So why am I only posting about them now? Well, because I personally only gave into the hyper very recently. 

I mean, they're just a lipbalm right? And priced at around £3 each (sometimes a little more or less depending on where you get them from) it just seemed a little expensive to me. I've never been one for lip balms, instead relying on my trusty Chapstick, priced at around £1. It just didn't seem like a sensible purchase for me. I mean, a lip balm is a lip balm, right? Well, I'm glad I finally stopped resisting the urge and grabbed my first Baby Lips because I couldn't be more wrong! Winter's been pretty cold here, and that teamed with me wearing more matte lip products had taken it's toll on my poor lips and they were a bit more battered than usual. I picked up Cherry Me, since I'm a sucker for anything cherry-scented, and figured I'd try it out - best move I made. Since then, I may have taken advantage of a cheeky 3-for-2 offer in Superdrug, bringing my total of Baby Lips to four. I regret nothing.

I didn't bother swatching Mint Fresh since it's colourless. The slight colour was something that definitely won me over on Baby Lips though. They're so pigmented, I tend to think of them more as very sheer lipsticks, but super moisturizing... plus they smell delicious! Mint Fresh is a lovely minty smell, though not overpowering as I can find some mint-scented products, Cherry Me smells like cherry drop sweets (some of my favourites!), Pink Punch has a tropical scent, and Peach Kiss reminds me of peach iced tea, so that's definitely a winner!

My lips have been vastly improved by these guys. It's not often I believe the claims a product makes, but I have to say Baby Lips do what they say. I use them twice a day - once before bed, and once when I'm getting ready, either under lipstick or usually on their own - and my lips are lovely and soft. No more flaky lips when I use matte products! And my lips don't feel so abused after wearing matte stuff either which is always a bonus. I never expected them to become part of my every day routine, but I'm pleasantly surprised, and glad that they are. 

Have you used any of the Baby Lips range? What are your views?

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